Want to dig deeper, read further, better understand the world of language and languages? Grab a coffee and read on, or just watch a video or two… (all in English)
Hearing Bilingual: How Babies Sort Out Language at nytimes
Patricia Kuhl: the linguistic genius of babies
Native speaker still learning the language at guardian
Kiki or bouba? In search of language’s missing link at newscientist
Language 50,000 BC: Our ancestors like Yoda spoke at newscientist
Stephen Fry:
Et tu, Manchu? at The Economist
Ortholinguistry: Filling the Gaps in Language at linguafranca
Vocabulary Learning Methods for A Foreign Language at learn a foreign language
The Endangered Alphabets Project at leblog
The Kings English – 100 phrases in 3 Minutes:
Via (with thanks):
Immagine in alto: Fry’s english delight, su amazon.it e amazon.uk
Eva says
very inspiring, grazie! mi centellinerò queste letture.. 🙂
Carolina says
Stephen Fry! Potrei ascoltarlo per ore…