Queste sono alcune canzoni e filastrocche della tradiizone anglosassone.
Alcune si possono cantare e recitare accompagnandole con i gesti delle mani o del corpo, altre sono da godersi così come sono.
Tutte sono usatissime da genitori, insegnanti, nanny ed educatrici Inglesi per introdurre i bambini alla consapevolezza del proprio corpo, del ritmo e, ovviamente, del linguaggio.
Nursery Rhymes and Action songs
- Baa baa black sheep
- Brow Brinky
- Five little ducks
- Head, Shoulder, Knees and Toes
- Hey diddle diddle
- Hokey Pokey
- Humpty Dumpty
- I’m a little teapot
- Incey Wincey Spider
- Jack and Jill
- Little Bo Peep
- Little bunnies sleeping
- London bridge
- Mary had a little lamb
- Miss Polly had a dolly
- Monkeys on the bed
- Mulberry Bush
- Old MacDonald had a farm
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Once a caught a fish alive + VIDEO
- One, Two, buckle my shoe
- Open, Shut them
- Pancake Song
- Pat a cake
- Polly put the kettle on
- Pop goes the weasel
- Pussycat Pussycat
- Raise your hands above your head
- Ring a Ring of Roses
- Rock a bye baby
- Round and Round the Garden
- Row row row your boat
- Shoe a little Horse
- Sing a song of sixpence
- Ten green bottles
- The grand old duke of York
- The wheels on the bus
- This little piggy
- This old man
- Two little dickie birds
- Two little hands go clap clap clap
- Tommy Thumb
- Twinkle Twinkle little star
- Wind the bobbin up
- Zoom zoom zoom